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Die Person Albert Hans - The person of Albert Hans

Vita von Albert Hans in Kurzform

'seines Zeichens Anglist und Historiker'

A)   Abitur/A-levels/graduation from high school: Ostern/Easter 1966

B)   Studium/Studies an der Universität Heidelberg / at the University of Heidelberg
       von Mai/from May 1966 bis / till Januar/January 1972
       der Fächer Anglistik und Geschichte mit großer Fakultas für das Staatsexamen /
       majoring in the subjects of English (the philological side of it, convering literature
       including literary appreciations as well as the English language as such) and History
       (with focus on German aspects/issues)

C)   Referendarzeit von Albert Hans / period as a trainee teacher in K'lautern/K'town: 1972/73

D)   Ausübung meines Berufs an vier verschiedenen Gymnasien in Rheinland-Pfalz
       in der Zeit von 1973 bis 2010 / Teaching students at four state-run
       grammar schools
in Rhineland-Palatinate (in both my subjects of English and
       History) from 1973 till 2010 - a respectably length of time before I retired in 2010


Im Laufe meiner langjährigen Dienstzeit habe ich meine Kenntnisse im Fach Englisch immer wieder erweitert und vertieft durch den Besuch hochrangiger Fortbildungskurse auf akademischem Niveau in England und den USA. / During the long time of doing my job as a teacher civil servant of my federal country of Rhineland-Palatinate I extended and deepened my knowledge of the English language and literature, attending – again and again - quite a number of high-ranking continuing education courses at university colleges in England and the USA.

Hier eine Auswahl der Universitätskurse, besucht von Albert Hans / Here a selection of the university college courses attended:

1975: Attendance of a six-week course at Exeter College, Oxford, England
         Title: International Graduate Summer School. Britain 1870 - 1970.
                  Literature, History and Society.
                  ( As a member of a tutorial group on THE NOVEL I was granted
                  a GOOD for my oral contributions to discussion and my written work.)

1993: Attendance of another six-week course at Exeter College, Oxford, England
         Title: International Summer School. British Literature and Culture since 1840
                  (I worked in two tutorial groups: a) Modern Literary Theory, b) Modernist
                  Fiction: Theory and Practice. Whereas in Modernist Fiction I got an
                  outstanding 'very good' for my oral contributions and written work,
                  I just obtained a 'good' for my work in the other group.)

1996: Attendance of a two-week course at the University of Exeter, England
         Title: International Summer School in British Life and Culture
                  (comprising conversation tutorials, English language classes, seminars
                  on major authors in English Literature, and a drama workshop)

1999: Attendance of a six-week advanced undergraduate course at the
         College of Arts and Science of the New York University in New York City
         during the summer months of July and August
                  Title: Twentieth Century British Literature
                  (The certificate I asked for 'awarded' me with 'a straight A', which was quite a
                  surprise for me, filling me with overriding joy.)

2001: Attendance of a three-week summer course at the University of Cambridge, England
         Title: English Literature Summer School
                  (I took part in the two special subject classes of a) Thomas Hardy, b) Ezra
                  Pound and T. S. Eliot.
                  For the one essay i wrote on Thomas Hardy I got grade A-, class mark II: I,
                  percentage mark 65.)

2006: Attendance of a three-week summer course, run by the University of Oxford,
         England, Department for Continuing Education,
         held at Exeter College in Oxford
         Title: Summer Programme in Creative Writing 2006
                  (For the samples of written contributions to the workshop on 'Reading for
                  Writers' I got 'a straight A'/Excellent, for the one on 'The Art of Writing'
                  a 'Very Good'/B+/61%.)


- Stets Ihr / Ever yours
   Albert Hans -